Setting Up a Facebook Profile A-Z (With ScreenShots)

Tomorrow I am speaking with the Honorable Jeannine Turgeon and the awesome Sandy Meilton at a seminar called Eggs and Bacon: Exploring Evidence and the Electronic Media: Discovery in 2011, and yes, apparently the coordinator has arranged to provide Eggs and Bacon for breakfast.  This new consulting gig, not so good for my diet.

At any rate, one issue we won’t have time to address, but Judge Turgeon and Sandy asked me to provide a handout on, is how to set up a Facebook Profile.  I figured that some of my blog readers could use help on this issue as well, so I decided to just put the information right here.

(Click on the images to see a larger size.)


Step One:

The first step is to go to and sign up for an account.

Fill out the appropriate information. Make sure you choose a good password for security reasons.  A combination of letters and numbers is best, along the lines of p@55w0rd instead of password.

Click on Sign Up when ready to continue the process.


Step Two:

Complete the impossible to read captcha and continue on.


Step Three:

I recommend you skip the step involving finding friends through your email address.  This is because there might be clients, members of the judiciary, or other individuals who it is inappropriate to friend. You are best off friending people individually.


Step Four:

You may choose to fill out your educational and work history here, or you might skip it until later.  If you choose to skip, choose skip.  If you choose to fill it out be sure to click Save & Continue.


Step Five:

Be sure to add a picture, either now or later.  Your picture should identify you so people can recognize you. This will be part of your online presence or brand and should be consistent.

To add a picture now click on Upload a Photo.  To skip click skip. If you click Upload a Photo you will see a new window asking you to browse to the picture you would like to upload. If you have a Webcam you can just take a picture. I don’t recommend you do that since the pictures don’t normally look very good.

Once you have uploaded your photo, be sure to click Save & Continue.


Step Six:

Confirm your account with your email address.  At this point you should open your browser or your email program and access the email account you used to sign up.


The email will look something like this:

Once you click this your account will be complete and authorized.


Step Seven:

The next step is to set up your privacy.  You will need to decide how available you want to be to members of the public.  I recommend you keep yourself relatively available if you plan on using your account as a professional networking tool.  If on the other hand you simply plan on communicating with family members and friends, you will want your settings to be relatively secure.  I have written a post on privacy settings and you may review it here. You will also want to be sure to turn on secure browsing.  Instructions for doing so may be found here.

I also recorded a video showing how to control privacy settings. You may access the video here.



Setting up a Facebook profile is relatively easy. It shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes. If you need any help setting up your profile please feel free to contact me.  My email address is

Happy Facebooking!



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