When Ellen and I needed to choose a credit card processing company, the choice ended up being quite easy. We decided to go with LawPay. Even before we decided to offer credit cards for Freedman Consulting, LawPay was our number one recommendation. The reason for this is that LawPay, being a lawyer specific company, understands all of the ethical requirements of attorneys. It is easy to make a mistake with trust accounting and a credit card, so a company that knows the rules is crucial. I also found the individual with whom I was connected quite pleasing. My contact is named Lloyd Blaine. If you contact him, tell him I said hey.
The sign up process takes some time, as it does with any credit card company, but once you are set, the relationship goes quite smoothly. I know this, because I have had absolutely no reason to contact LawPay since we completed the process.
You can imagine then, that I was pleased to hear that the Pennsylvania Bar Association has formed a relationship with LawPay, offering a special rate to PBA members. Check it out on the LawPay website.