Attorney Websites Need Disclaimers

Many lawyers do not have disclaimers for their websites. This is a problem. All law firm websites should have appropriate disclaimers. This includes a disclaimer at the bottom of each page, and a complete disclaimer on a separate page. The every page disclaimer should link to the complete disclaimer.
Here I provide a sample disclaimer that can be adjusted for various jurisdictions and purposes. You may feel free to use it, but you are responsible for adjusting it accordingly. You need not give me credit to use this disclaimer. Attorneys may use this disclaimer freely. Remember, this is a starting point, not a disclaimer you can use as-is.
Non-Attorneys Who Wish to Use this Disclaimer
If you are not a licensed attorney, you may not use this disclaimer. It must be adjusted by a licensed lawyer before it is put into use. If you are a website designer or write websites for attorneys, provide this document, including all of the disclaimers, to the law firm and ask for an attorney to adjust it for you.
Disclaimer for this Document
Please be aware that this document is a general disclaimer for attorney websites in the United States and does not address requirements for all states. Make certain you check the ethical rules in any states in which you are licensed and/or seeking clients and craft your disclaimer appropriately. Also check and see if there are any specific requirements for your practice area(s).You use this disclaimer at your own risk. This document does not form an attorney/client relationship between you and Jennifer Ellis. Nor is it legal advice. This document is educational information that gives attorneys a starting place from which to begin.
Disclaimer for Bottom of Each Page
This website is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal advice. Please do not act or refrain from acting based on anything you read on this site. Using this site or communicating with NAME OF FIRM through this site does not form an attorney/client relationship. This site is legal advertising. Please review the full disclaimer for more information. (LINK TO FULL DISCLAIMER PAGE)
Long Disclaimer
Use appropriate headings.
No Attorney Client Relationship Without Signed Agreement
Viewing this website does not form an attorney/client relationship between you and the attorneys of NAME OF FIRM. No attorney/client relationship occurs unless and until you sign an agreement confirming the nature and scope of representation.
Not Legal Advice
This website is for informational purposes only and does not contain legal advice. Please do not act or refrain from acting based on anything you read on this site.
No website is entirely secure, so please be cautious information provided through the contact form or email. Do not assume confidentiality exists in anything you send through this website or email, until an attorney/client relationship is formed through completion of a fee agreement.
Attorney websites, such as this one, are considered attorney advertising.
USE NEXT LINE IF DISCUSS CASE RESULTS ON WEBSITE: No prior result in a case guarantees a future result that is the same. Each case we handle is individual with different facts and therefore every case is different. We cannot guarantee any specific result in your case. (NOTE: SOME STATES REQUIRE SPECIFIC LANGUAGE FOR THIS PHRASE)
Ethical Rules
This page is meant to comply with all Rules of Professional Conduct. The attorneys FIRM, are licensed in LIST STATES. Please see individual biographies for each attorney for more information. (IF ATTORNEYS ARE LICENSED IN DIFFERENT STATES)
Accomplishment Information
IF PROVIDE ACCOMPLISHMENT/AWARD INFORMATION: Explain how chosen and/or link to website discussing how chosen. If licensed in NJ, include a statement like this: Supreme Court Statement – No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey or any other state or the federal Supreme Court. OTHER STATES MAY HAVE SIMILAR REQUIREMENTS.
Disclaimer for this Document
Please be aware that this document is a general disclaimer for attorney websites in the United States and does not address requirements for all states. Make certain you check the ethical rules in any states in which you are licensed and/or seeking clients and craft your disclaimer appropriately. Also check and see if there are any specific requirements for your practice area(s).You use this disclaimer at your own risk. This document does not form an attorney/client relationship between you and Jennifer Ellis. Nor is it legal advice. This document is educational information that gives attorneys a starting place from which to begin.