If you, like me, had no luck with the IRS’ website that is supposed to tell you what is happening with your stimulus check, apparently it is time to check again. It seems the IRS has made some improvements to its website and perhaps it is working better.
I got this information from my friend and colleague, Kelly Erb, otherwise known as TaxGirl. Since I trust Kelly, I decided to look one last time, and sure enough, this time, I got an actual answer.
In the past, every time I checked, I was informed that the IRS could not determine my status. This time though, I saw this:

Obviously, I took out the date and the digits from my bank account.
If you, like me, are a tax-filer but could not get an answer, it might be time to check again. Perhaps you will get an actual answer. Of course, whether our checks will be deposited on the date listed is another matter. I will update you if mine is deposited as per the site.
Yes, the stimulus funds came through.