Webinar for West, Tuesday February 21 – Avoid a Viral Nightmare: Ethically Managing Your Presence on the Web

On Tuesday, February 21, I am presenting a Webinar for West. The topic is “Avoid a Viral Nightmare: Ethically Managing Your Presence on the Web.”  Aside from the fact I have a cold so my voice will sound funny, this is a good chance to hear my seminar addressing issues of ethics and controlling your reputation online. Thus far, whenever I have presented on this topic, attorneys have found the information very useful. I will alter the content for West, somewhat, but generally speaking I will be addressing many of the ethical issues as well as showing some cases in which attorneys have gotten themselves in trouble via social media.

If you attend, I hope you find the seminar both enjoyable and educational. It is always my goal when I teach that the audience members can leave, or in this case log onto their computers, and immediately implement something new.

For details see http://westlegaledcenter.com/program_guide/course_detail.jsf?courseId=44949714

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