Facebook irritation 1 million Changing our visible email addresses Here’s the fix

Facebook decided it would be a good idea to change everyone’s visible email address without notice. This means instead of showing the email address people want to provide as a way for others to contact them off Facebook, everyone now has a Facebook email address. Really Facebook? No notice? This is exactly what pisses people off.



I don’t know about you, but I have no interest in using the Facebook email address. Fortunately this is easy to fix. Here’s how.


1. Click on the link for your name on the upper left side of Facebook.







2. Click on Update Info





3.  Find Contact Info and click Edit














4. A box will pop up. In that box locate your email addresses and hover your mouse over the Facebook address. Choose Hidden from Timeline.








5. Choose the email address you want people to use to contact you, and click Shown on Timeline. A greyed our circle will show up next to the correct email address. Email addresses that won’t show up will have a circle with a line through them.







6. Be sure to click save when you are finished. You will need to scroll down to find the save.




7. All done.

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